Monday, December 12, 2011

My bother live from mainland China / Guangzhou, he is from middle / low class economic, earns 3000 rmb a month

My bother live from mainland China / Guangzhou, he is from middle / low class economic, earns 3000 rmb a month, he is going to marry a Chinese girl; she told him he need to pay her parents 20,000 rmb to marry her.... He has savings 20,000 rmb but this is all he has, if he give it to her parents him and the prospective wife will have nothing... Is this girl trying to cheat my brother, does he need to pay 20,000 rmb to her family or this is the tradition in China? Thank you for your time, Cindy.|||According to my dad, giving money to his possibly future wife's family is an old chinese tradition, but is beginning to leave because of the western influence on china. It mainly happens in the chinese village areas and stuff. The giving money is like the parents "selling" out their daughter (not whoring her) to a husband. your brother can either:

1) wait a bit longer until he has more money in his savings


2) find a new woman

i apologize if this isn't the type information/answer that you're looking for.|||If you have to pay to marry someone, why not just get a hooker? It is cheaper and you can change your mind anytime..if your brother paid for marriage, then, he's fool..find someone who has money..and didn't care about yours..your brother can live happily ever after..|||It is common in old time, but not any more in cities. Maybe in some poor areas it is still like this. Better check out the personality of the girl and his family.

Know more about Guangzhou,please download the pocket guide - Guangzhou 2007|||I am chinnese and i completely understand the whole system, sth similar happened with my relatives. They didn't pay for them, they just ignored her and said no. She still married him. The reason she did that is because she sees your brother as probably a higher class than her so she diecides to put the price higher. If your brother falls for this tell him to give her half of the amount it's plenty. And to be honest love is not to be bought, it is not like u buy love from a shop. My advise is not to give a penny but to be truthful and faithful.. That's much more important than money. Trust me, she is taking advantage, if he gives her once she will ask for more.|||It's really an old tradition. Some parents still follow old traditions. A friend of ours here only 19 is being forced by her parents to get married so they can get money. But we talked to our friend not to follow anymore those traditions, she will just be unhappy all her life..Tell your brother not to give any single cent. He has to talk to his girlfriend that he is not into this tradition..Think of his future, and His future is not with the girl's parents. He saved money for himself and for his future wife, so might as well spend it with his wedding and future kids, they wont live with his in-laws anyways, so it is just like throwing his money away if he give into this tradition, its the modern times. She can always look for another girl if they insist.

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