Monday, December 12, 2011

Can I live with 1500 RMB per month in China?

Well, I´m going to a intership in a Univerisity in HuangZhou, so I need to know if I could survive with this salary and it will covers my lodgings and food. Thanks.|||No!

Even for a local 1500 is very low in a city, and Hangzhou is a large city. Minimum for a foreigner is 4000 for a somehow modest living, and that is still very modest.|||Lodging and food cost 2000-3000 every month. The salary really not too much, but it should be a little bit higher than native young teachers in the college, if taking their lodging and food expenditure into consider.

I think they dont "take advantage of" foreigners only, they "take advantage of" everyone, that is negotiation, or bargaining.

Of course, some chinese are too "wise" on this, someone is rude, if you focus on bad things, it is always easy to find bad things anywhere, if you focus on good aspects, it is not difficult to find those good aspects, too.|||Too many variables, but let's take the best (you get lodging and food from the school at discounted rates) and worst (the school provides neither, leaving you to fend for yourself) cases. In the best case, this is definitely doable if you live frugally. No clubbing or night-time entertainment of any kind, taxi usage at a minimum, etc. Worst-case you'll be living in a crappy part of the city and with locals in an apartment compound that feels like it was built in the Communist era and you'll be eating at the same hole-in-the-wall places that the locals do as well as learning to take any coupons you can find for the better places. And get used to riding the buses or a bicycle.|||If you are from a western developed country, can you be satisfied with this salary??!!

Chinese food is cheap if you eat rice %26amp; veggies everyday, you can't even but an air ticket to another continent with that.

Make sure you arrange medical insurance, 1500 or 3000 can't be enough coz you need to pay a high deposit for hospital.|||Average Chinese person, someone who works in a cafe for instance earns 4000 RMB a month, the answer is NO.

You would have to eat only a bowl or rice or noodles ever day, walk everywhere, buy no clothing, have no phone or tv, not use electricity, live in a filthy hovel which will have no stove, no fridge, no hot water, no shower or place to bath, if you are lucky it might have a bed, and that will cost you about 500 RMB a month at least.

Forget haircuts, buying things like soap, toothpaste, deoderant, bottled water, and you cant drink the water in China, sheets, a pillow, a blanket, a towel, a bowl to eat your daily rice out of,

You not be able to go anywhere.

If you get sick you will be dead because you wont be able to afford a Dr or medicine. If your shoes wear out you will have to go barefoot, which they will do because you will have to walk everywhere --

That isnt an internship, that is being held hostage, because they think foreigners are stupid and rich

You can do WAY better somewhere else, they are screwing you big time ! And I mean BIG time. RUN like hell from this|||If you live like a Chinese student and have access to Chinese student dorms and fees yes it is possible but it will mean no drinking, nightclubbing or much sightseeing for you.

An example of prices for Chinese students are like

Shared dorm room 1000 rmb a term.

Food in canteen hall like 100-150 rmb a week, (Breakfast, lunch and dinner)

If your charged like a foreigner then forget it. Unless your lodgings is free and then its possible but with a struggle.|||im sorry, i didnt understand your wording...

will they be paying your rent??? your phone?? your food?? your plane tickets???

because if theyre not, youre getting a bum deal.

I'd say no, this sounds impossible, unless theyre taking care of all your expenses whilst there.

I've been living in china for a while now, and I cant stress enough how they LOVE to take advantage of foreigners... i mean, everyone everywhere takes advantage of foreigners, but here it is particularly pronounced.... part of the reason is SO MANY PEOPLE ARE BLIND TO IT and just go with it, be it because of their guilt, or whatever.

yea yea, some might say im BIASED, but those are only the white people that i mentioned before, the blind ones... try being a darker skinned person in this country, its like youre an anomaly no one wants anything to do with....

read this article before you go....…

in my experience, they always offer you the lowest salary, unrealistically so... then when you tell them to F-OFF, they raise it, because in the end THEY NEED YOU... dont be swindled by these people... they know foreigners are easy targets.|||That's like 200 bucks a month, it does not matter if they provide everything for you, food, lodging, transport, you still can't live with that little money.

One night of clubbing costs around 300-500 RMB. Meals at local restaurants cost 20-30 RMB. Taxi? Sightseeing?

You're being stiffed.|||Yes, You can and you should be saving :-) I think.|||you must be kiding me!its under the average .man!Then where is the money for the tollbooth,gas ,public house,phone and probably you would go to the whore house once or twice per month.

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